
Fitting multivariate ODE models with brms

This article illustrates how ordinary differential equations and multivariate observations can be modelled and fitted with the brms package (Bürkner (2017)) in R1. As an example I will use the well known Lotka-Volterra model (Lotka (1925), Volterra (1926)) that describes the predator-prey behaviour of lynxes and hares. Bob Carpenter published a detailed tutorial to implement and analyse this model in Stan and so did Richard McElreath in Statistical Rethinking 2nd Edition (McElreath (2020)).

Dynamical systems in R with simecol

This evening I will talk about Dynamical systems in R with simecol at the LondonR meeting. Thanks to the work by Thomas Petzoldt, Karsten Rinke, Karline Soetaert and R. Woodrow Setzer it is really straight forward to model and analyse dynamical systems in R with their deSolve and simecol packages. I will give a brief overview of the functionality using a predator-prey model as an example. This is of course a repeat of my presentation given at the Köln R user group meeting in March.