
googleVis 0.2.15 is released: Improved geo and bubble charts

The guys behind the Google Visualisation API don’t seem to rest. On 22 February 2012 they released an update of their API. Google added options for a gradient colour axis to bubble chart and a magnifying glass to geo chart, which opens when the user hovers over cluttered markers (excluding IE<=8). Those updates have been incorporated into version 0.2.15 of the googleVis package for R. Examples of new features Here are two examples demonstrating the new features.

googleVis 0.2.14 is released

Version 0.2.14 of the googleVis package was released on CRAN today. Changes The help files have been checked against changes of the Google Visualisation API, typos in the vignette have been ironed out (thanks to Pat Burns for pointing them out), a new section on dealing with apostrophes in column names has been added and the example in the section “Setting options” has been reviewed. For more details and demos check out the project site.