My traditional work flow for embedding R graphics into a blog post has been via a PNG files that I upload online. However, when I created a ‘simple’ graphic with only basic curves and triangles for a recent post, I noticed that the PNG output didn’t look as crisp as I expected it to be. So, eventually I used a SVG (scalable vector graphic) instead.
Creating a SVG file with R could’t be easier; e.
After nearly 4 years of developing googleVis on Google Code with SVN we decided to move to GitHub. The main reason was that Google stopped the facility of hosting pre-CRAN builds of the package for user testing. The devtools package on the other hand makes it really easy to install packages from source hosted on GitHub. Additionally, we hope that GitHub will make collaboration with others more effective. Thus, bookmark http://github.
I really like gists as a quick way to include more lengthly code snippets into my blog posts. However, I am not a git user as such, and so I was quite concerned when I noticed that all my gists on this blog had vanished after Christmas. I suppose this was a result of Github’s downtime on December 22nd.
Thankfully an email to the support guys at Github resolved the issue within a few hours.