From the Guardian's data blog: Visualising risk
The Guardian published a nice summary and link collection of an interdisciplinary visualisation workshop hosted by Microsoft dedicated to visualising probability and risk. Check it out <a 19="" 2012="" apr="" datablog="" href-“http:=”" href="" news="" visualising-risk-microsoft-conference“=”""">here.

OECD better life index
The links I found most interesting were those to the pages of Gregor Aisch and Moritz Stefaner. You may have come across their work in the past, as Moritz worked on the OECD better life index and Gregor contributed to the Where does my money go site.
For attribution, please cite this work as:Markus Gesmann (Apr 20, 2012) From the Guardian's data blog: Visualising risk. Retrieved from
@misc{ 2012-from-the-guardians-data-blog-visualising-risk,
author = { Markus Gesmann },
title = { From the Guardian's data blog: Visualising risk },
url = { },
year = { 2012 }
updated = { Apr 20, 2012 }