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<!-- LineChart generated in R 2.15.0 by googleVis 0.2.15 package --> <!-- Sat Mar 3 22:57:39 2012 --> <!-- jsHeader --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDatalife_expectancy_distribution () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "1960", 73.5, 68.6, 54.5, 43.5, 42.4, 30.3 ], [ "1961", 73.7, 68.9, 55, 43.8, 43.1, 30.5 ], [ "1962", 73.5, 68.8, 55.4, 44.7, 43.8, 30.7 ], [ "1963", 73.6, 69.7, 55.8, 46.3, 44.4, 31 ], [ "1964", 73.7, 70.1, 56, 48.6, 45.1, 31.4 ], [ "1965", 73.9, 70.2, 56.7, 51.3, 45.8, 31.8 ], [ "1966", 74.1, 70.2, 57.1, 54.2, 46.5, 32.3 ], [ "1967", 74.1, 70.6, 57.4, 57, 47.1, 32.8 ], [ "1968", 74, 70, 59.5, 57.8, 47.8, 33.3 ], [ "1969", 74.1, 70.4, 61.4, 58.2, 48.5, 33.6 ], [ "1970", 74.6, 70.2, 62.9, 58.6, 49.1, 34 ], [ "1971", 74.6, 70, 63.9, 58.9, 49.8, 34.4 ], [ "1972", 74.7, 70.6, 64.5, 59.3, 50.5, 34.8 ], [ "1973", 74.9, 70.7, 65, 59.7, 51.2, 35.3 ], [ "1974", 75, 70.5, 65.4, 60.1, 51.9, 35.8 ], [ "1975", 75.2, 70.4, 65.7, 60.5, 52.6, 34.1 ], [ "1976", 75.6, 70.5, 66, 60.9, 53.2, 33 ], [ "1977", 75.9, 70.4, 66.3, 61.3, 53.8, 32.8 ], [ "1978", 76.2, 70.3, 66.5, 61.7, 54.4, 32.8 ], [ "1979", 76.5, 70, 66.7, 61.4, 54.9, 33.4 ], [ "1980", 76.6, 69.7, 67, 62.1, 55.3, 34.7 ], [ "1981", 76.7, 69.9, 67.3, 60.6, 55.7, 36.3 ], [ "1982", 76.9, 70, 67.5, 61.2, 56.1, 38 ], [ "1983", 77, 70.2, 67.8, 61.8, 56.4, 39.6 ], [ "1984", 77.4, 69.9, 68.1, 61.1, 56.7, 40 ], [ "1985", 77.7, 70.1, 68.3, 61.3, 57, 40.1 ], [ "1986", 78.1, 70.8, 68.6, 61.9, 57.3, 40.3 ], [ "1987", 78.5, 70.9, 68.8, 62.7, 57.6, 40.5 ], [ "1988", 78.4, 71.1, 69, 63.6, 57.8, 40.3 ], [ "1989", 78.8, 70.9, 69.2, 64.5, 58.1, 37 ], [ "1990", 78.8, 71.1, 69.5, 64.2, 58.4, 32.8 ], [ "1991", 79.1, 71.2, 69.7, 64.7, 58.6, 29.4 ], [ "1992", 79.2, 71.6, 69.9, 65.3, 58.9, 27.3 ], [ "1993", 79.3, 72, 70.1, 64.9, 59.2, 26.8 ], [ "1994", 79.7, 72.3, 70.2, 64.5, 59.5, 27.9 ], [ "1995", 79.5, 72.3, 70.4, 65.2, 59.8, 30.5 ], [ "1996", 80.2, 72.3, 70.6, 66.2, 60.2, 34 ], [ "1997", 80.4, 72.6, 70.8, 66.3, 60.5, 37.8 ], [ "1998", 80.5, 72.7, 70.9, 66.5, 60.9, 38.3 ], [ "1999", 80.6, 72.9, 71.1, 66, 61.3, 39 ], [ "2000", 81.1, 73.3, 71.2, 65.6, 61.6, 39.7 ], [ "2001", 81.4, 73.4, 71.4, 65.9, 62, 40.6 ], [ "2002", 81.6, 73.6, 71.6, 66.2, 62.3, 41.5 ], [ "2003", 81.8, 73.2, 71.8, 66.5, 62.7, 42.4 ], [ "2004", 82, 73.4, 72, 66.8, 63, 43.3 ], [ "2005", 82, 73.7, 72.2, 67.1, 63.4, 43.9 ], [ "2006", 82.4, 73.9, 72.4, 67.4, 63.7, 44.6 ], [ "2007", 82.5, 74.2, 72.6, 67.7, 64.1, 45.2 ], [ "2008", 82.8, 74.4, 72.8, 68, 64.4, 45.9 ], [ "2009", 83, 74.6, 73.1, 68.5, 64.8, 46.7 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','year'); data.addColumn('number','wtd.100%'); data.addColumn('number','wtd.80%'); data.addColumn('number','wtd.60%'); data.addColumn('number','wtd.40%'); data.addColumn('number','wtd.20%'); data.addColumn('number','wtd.0%'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartlife_expectancy_distribution() { var data = gvisDatalife_expectancy_distribution(); var options = {}; options["allowHtml"] = true; options["title"] = "Distribution of life expectancy weighted by population"; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 347; options["hAxis"] = {title: 'Year'}; options["vAxis"] = {title: 'Life expectancy at birth in years'}; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart( document.getElementById('life_expectancy_distribution') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart function displayChartlife_expectancy_distribution() { google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:["corechart"] }); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChartlife_expectancy_distribution); } // jsChart displayChartlife_expectancy_distribution() <!-- jsFooter --> //--> </script> <!-- divChart --> <div id="life_expectancy_distribution" style="width: 556px; height: 347px;"> </div>