Interactive charts and slides with R, googleVis and knitr

Markus Gesmann, Cambridge R user group meeting, 29 May 2012



Google Chart Tools

Introduction to googleVis

Key ideas of googleVis

cat(toJSON(CityPopularity))  ## example data from googleVis
## {
##  "City": [ "New York", "Boston", "Miami", "Chicago", "Los Angeles", "Houston" ],
## "Popularity": [    200,    300,    400,    500,    600,    700 ] 
## }

googleVis version 0.2.16 provides interfaces to

Run demo(googleVis) to see examples of all charts and read the vignette for more details.

World Bank example


Video tutorial

The googleVis concept

M <- gvisMotionChart(data, idvar = "id", timevar = "date", options = list(), 

Embedding googleVis chart into your web page

Suppose you have an existing web page and would like to integrate the output of a googleVis function, such as gvisMotionChart.

In this case you only need the chart output from gvisMotionChart. So you can either copy and paste the output from the R console

print(M, "chart")  ## or cat(M$html$chart)

into your existing html page, or write the content directly into a file

print(M, "chart", file = "myfilename")

and process it from there.

Simple line chart

df <- data.frame(label = c("A", "B", "C"), val1 = c(0.1, 0.13, 0.14), 
    val2 = c(23, 12, 32))
lc <- gvisLineChart(df)
print(lc, "chart")  ## So knitr includes the html output of the chart

Line chart with options set

print(gvisLineChart(df, xvar="label", yvar=c("val1","val2"),
                        options=list(title="Hello World", legend="bottom",
                          titleTextStyle="{color:'red', fontSize:18}",                         
                          vAxis="{gridlines:{color:'red', count:3}}",
                          hAxis="{title:'My Label', titleTextStyle:{color:'blue'}}",
                          series="[{color:'green', targetAxisIndex: 0}, 
                                   {color: 'blue',targetAxisIndex:1}]",
                          vAxes="[{title:'Value 1 (%)', format:'#,###%'}, 
                                  {title:'Value 2 (\u00A3)'}]",                          
                          curveType="function", width=500, height=300                         
                          )), 'chart')

Chart countries' S&P credit rating

## Get and prepare data
url <- ""
page <- readLines(url)
x <- readHTMLTable(page, which = 3)
levels(x$Rating) <- substring(levels(x$Rating), 4, nchar(levels(x$Rating)))
x$Ranking <- x$Rating
levels(x$Ranking) <- nlevels(x$Rating):1
x$Ranking <- as.character(x$Ranking)
x$Rating <- paste(x$Country, x$Rating, sep = ": ")

Chart countries' S&P credit rating

print(gvisGeoMap(x, "Country", "Ranking", "Rating", options = list(gvis.editor = "S&P", 
    colors = "[0x91BFDB, 0XFC8D59]")), "chart")

Geo chart with markers

quakes$latlong <- paste(quakes$lat, quakes$long, sep = ":")
print(gvisGeoChart(quakes, locationvar = "latlong", colorvar = "depth", 
    sizevar = "mag", options = list(displayMode = "Markers", region = "009", 
        colorAxis = "{colors:['red', 'grey']}", backgroundColor = "lightblue")), 

Merging gvis-objects

G <- gvisGeoChart(Exports, "Country", "Profit", options = list(width = 250, 
    height = 120))
B <- gvisBarChart(Exports[, 1:2], yvar = "Profit", xvar = "Country", 
    options = list(width = 250, height = 260, legend = "none"))
M <- gvisMotionChart(Fruits, "Fruit", "Year", options = list(width = 400, 
    height = 380))
GBM <- gvisMerge(gvisMerge(G, B, horizontal = FALSE), M, horizontal = TRUE, 
    tableOptions = "cellspacing=5")
print(GBM, "chart")

Further case studies

Other R packages

How I created this presentation with RStudio, knitr, pandoc and slidy

pandoc -s -S -i -t slidy --mathjax 
  -o Cambridge_R_googleVis_with_knitr_and_RStudio_May_2012.html


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